Getting Social Start-Ups To Communicate

Social Start-Ups

It is getting social start-ups to communicate. There is a sort of congenital shyness in the third sector which unfortunately partially obscures the important depth of its social role. And, in particular, the economic potential that is related to it.


Finance would be ready to invest in this sector if this shyness could finally be overcome. There is talk of approximately 300 million euros in three years which could be made available for new business projects in the social sector.

Here are which sectors are eligible for funding

There are many opportunities to work on: pollution, social housing management, public welfare, ergonomics, new mobility systems, etc. But out of 9,350 social enterprises in Italy, only 571 are ready to receive capital suitable for launching new development projects.

Another area in which these companies show a certain shyness is a technological intensity, i.e., the level of penetration of information technology into their realities.

Of the more than nine thousand companies in the sector, only 1,260 claim to have up-to-date technological tools and skills. Over 4,000 instead declare that they use advanced strategic approaches that pursue structured growth strategies involving the beneficiaries in the product or service design. (data from Il Sole 24 Ore)

Economic growth and social growth

Listening to the voices coming from the financial sectors, the need for a drastic change emerges: the social enterprise can become the driving force of a cultural revolution capable of giving companies back a high added value which can also materialize in an increase in financial stability, which would not hurt given the historical dependence on the public of most of these companies. 

We need to adopt new technologies

And also, in the social enterprise sector, one of the key factors for future development could be the adoption of innovations linked to the fields of artificial intelligence: solutions that, through intelligent algorithms, can answer many daily problems.

We are already working alongside many companies in the voluntary social sector and the third sector, making our skills and enthusiasm available to implement practical communication projects. It has given itself to make social start-ups communicate and beyond.

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