Email marketing: 5 useful tips for your business

Reach your customers and potential customers with personalized and effective emails: discover 5 tips to attract potential customers and retain the ones you already have.

Email marketing is a tool available for activities to strengthen the relationship between the Brand and the audience, retain customers and attract new ones. Now let’s see together what it is and what are the most useful tips to exploit it in a winning way.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email as a channel to send messages capable of attracting new potential customers and retaining those already reached. The specific online advertising activity based on sending an advertising email to a pre-selected list of users is called Direct Email Marketing ( DEM ).

Email Marketing: 5 tips to put into practice immediately

Building an email marketing campaign may seem complicated, but a few simple steps and using the right tools can make the task easier.

Analyze your audience

In order for an email marketing campaign to be truly effective, it cannot be separated from the analysis of the target audience, starting from demographic data to arrive at lifestyles and buying behaviors. Knowing this information allows you to segment your audience and formulate messages that are as personalized and targeted as possible.

Define the goal

Each business has a wide range of emails available to send communications to its customers or potential customers. Beyond the classic promotional emails to propose offers or carry out up-selling and cross-selling campaigns, in fact, an activity can use, for example, the email tool to confirm the customer’s registration on their site or on their own app.

For this reason, the activity must have clearly in mind the different purposes of each type of email to attribute to each of them a different objective which, in this way, becomes more easily monitored and measurable.

He takes care of texts and graphics.

To make an email more effective, paying particular attention to its graphic aspect is advisable. The best way to capture the eye (and attention) of a customer or potential is to take care of the text in every detail (which must be captivating but consistent with the tone of voice of the company or organization), the call-to-action, images, videos and overall graphics of the advertisement. Furthermore, an email for advertising must be designed to be displayed correctly on mobile devices. For this reason, before proceeding to send, you must carry out tests to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Track your results

Once you have established who to send your message to, defined the objective of your email marketing campaign, and chosen the right message to make your advertising communication effective, you need to monitor the results of your work. Some particularly useful data to understand if an email marketing campaign can be defined as winning or not are:

  • the percentage of emails sent but not delivered successfully;
  • the percentage of recipients who opened the email out of the total number of emails delivered;
  • the percentage of recipients who have clicked on a link contained in the email in relation to the total number of users who have opened the same;
  • the percentage of growth of the list of users receiving a newsletter;
  • the percentage of users who have decided to unsubscribe from the list of recipients of a newsletter.

Use the right tools and trust the experts.

The web offers various ad hoc tools to help businesses make their email marketing campaigns more effective. This area is one of those that make the most of marketing automation, i.e., the use of software to automate and optimize some repetitive marketing activities that do not necessarily require human action. For example, specifically, thanks to this software, it is possible to automatically create personalized messages based on the actions and behaviors of users, as well as track their actions and segment the target audience on the basis of this information.

Also Read : How To Choose The Right Target For Your Facebook Ads


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