Everything You Need To Know To Use Whatsapp Marketing In The Hotel

In hotels and B & Bs, communication with the customer must always be immediate and perfect. Here’s how to enhance it with a Whatsapp Marketing strategy.

Are you looking for the perfect marketing method for your Hotel, right? Here is the solution: it’s called Whatsapp Marketing, a unique system to allow better communication with your customers.

Let’s start from a fundamental premise: Whatsapp Marketing is completely free, as well as the use you usually make of Whatsapp. Second fundamental thing: Whatsapp is the most used social network (yes, because it is equated to a social network), with about 2 billion active users worldwide!

These two notes should be enough to understand that today it is better to activate a Whatsapp Marketing strategy for your Hotel. But we are not satisfied, and we explain in detail everything you need to know to make the most of this tool.

Whatsapp Marketing for hotels: why it matters

Within a hotel or a B&B, there are countless contacts with customers. Some ask for information, those who make a reservation, and those who, as a guest, ask to use certain services. At every stage of the funnel, there is always an interaction with the customer.

Using Whatsapp is the best way to activate quick and efficient communication. Moreover, Whatsapp, thanks to the Business function, allows hoteliers like you to create marketing actions aimed at increasing their clientele and, simultaneously, pampering the most important customers.

Whatsapp Business: all functions for hotels

In 2018, the developers of Whatsapp decided to follow the path taken by other social networks to provide users with a business version and manage all communications professionally.

In a short time, Whatsapp Business proved to be a perfect choice, and today it is undoubtedly one of the best solutions to manage the marketing of your Hotel. The reason? Whatsapp Business provides features created specifically to optimize communication between customers and hoteliers. Let’s see them in detail:

  • Company Account: by connecting the company mobile phone number (attention, you can also use the landline number or the private number), you can create a company account complete with logo, contact information, email, and much more. The perfect thing is that by downloading the Whatsapp Business app on your phone, you will have two different applications which do not intertwine your work. There will be an app dedicated to private conversations (the classic one) and an app dedicated to business conversations.
  • Statistics evaluation: one of the most interesting features of Whatsapp Business is the ability to access statistics. Imagine communicating the new offer to your contacts in view of the Christmas holidays: in real-time, you can evaluate how many messages have been delivered, how many have been read, and how many are still not sent.
  • Creating catalogs: a good way to entice your customers to stay in your Hotel could be to create ad hoc catalogs. An example? Two catalogs accompanied by photos and information relating to the suite room and the standard room. Even before contacting you, the customer can view the images and get an idea of ​​your offer.
  • Automatic messages: In modern marketing, automatic messaging is now crucial. Thanks to Whatsapp Business, you can enter Welcome and absence messages. An intelligent way to establish as realistic a communication as possible with the customer.
  • Create broadcast lists: some customers prefer the summer period and customers who travel at Christmas or even customers who take advantage of the bridges of the various holidays. You, who know their needs inside out, now can create ad hoc lists in which to insert customers with the same needs. In this way, you can launch special offers for a certain period being sure to communicate them to the right customer.

What are you waiting for? Choosing the way of Whatsapp Marketing in the Hotel can be the solution to improve your business communication further!

Also Read : Influencer Marketing: What Is It, And How Does It Work?


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