How Is Technology Changing The Way We Work?

Is the cell phone you have on hand corporate or personal? In the past, this specification made much more sense than it does today, when bosses, subordinates and colleagues communicate via Whatsapp, professionals check and respond to work emails from home and vice versa.

“We noticed this convergence, today there is no longer so much distinction between what is a personal device and what is a work device”, says Adrew, a specialist at Ericsson’s ConsumerLab, an area that has studied the behavior of connected people for 20 years.

Gualda’s perception is directly related to the greater flexibility of work, which has gained remote dimensions over the last few years. And it is precisely these characteristics that were investigated by Ericsson’s ConsumerLab for the “Professional Life Flexibility” survey, which had the participation of 47,100 people aged between 15 and 69 from 23 countries. See survey data:

Remote and flexible:  For 32% of respondents worldwide, remote work is important. For 43%, flexible hours are important.

In Brazil, 40% believe in the importance of flexible working and half of the survey participants also highlight the relevance of flexible hours.

The fact that flexibility is not yet a local culture – although it has been gaining strength – may justify, according to Adrew, a specialist at Ericsson’s ConsumerLab, the higher percentage in the responses of Brazilians, in relation to the subject of flexibility.

Cell phone work:  Half of the respondents use their personal cell phone to work. Half of respondents use their personal cell phone to work. In Brazil, the index rises to 57%. According to Adrew, the research shows that in countries where cell phone use is more frequent, the perception of the importance of this practice is lower than in countries where it still does not happen on a large scale.

“Because it’s routine, people don’t have this perception of importance”, says the Ericsson specialist.

Together and mixed:  “The restrictions to carry out professional activities outside the work environment are ending”, says Adrew. The survey indicates that working from home is common among respondents: 22% say they work from home at night, 13% say they work from home in the afternoon, 12% in the morning and 8% work while commuting or traveling. The personal computer is used for work, according to 33% of the participants.

In Brazil, 30% said they access social networks to work and 15% make purchases online while at the office. “It has both sides, people can do professional activities at home and personal activities at work”, says Gualda.

In his opinion, this blurred line between personal and professional activities is precisely what happens in the dream company, especially according to Generation Y: Google.

“Considered the perfect workplace, at Google there is no division between what is personal and what is professional, making people spend more hours in the environment”, says Gualda.

Also Read : The Dream Of Modernizing Public Management Through Information Technology


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