Business Smartphones: 5 Good Reasons To Provide Them To Your Collaborators

Business Smartphones, In the era of smart work, counting on a company mobile phone increases efficiency promotes availability, and makes it easier to manage relationships with customers, suppliers, and colleagues.

Despite these obvious advantages, many entrepreneurs still hesitate to choose. The questions that arise are almost always of this type. Does buying business smartphones involve major investments? Will cost and consumption control become more complicated with SIMs and mobile phones? Could the data security risks increase?

The reality of the facts and the new technological tools available dispel most of these doubts.

In fact, there are smartphone offers on the market suitable for all companies – from the latest iPhone 13 to rugged phones that resist shocks – applications to centrally protect the security of information and tools that simplify the configuration and management of company SIMs.

Getting the most out of your business smartphones is simple; here’s how.

Business smartphones simplify the work of the entire organization.

We have entered the era of smart working, and the smartphone is the ideal tool to exploit its full potential. According to a recent survey by Le Monde, a silent and irreversible revolution is underway in the world of work. The change is there for all to see.

People are working less and less in the office, but they need to maintain the same efficiency as when they are at their fixed location. In addition, companies have discovered the advantages of remote work, which improves the work-life balance of their employees with positive consequences on productivity.

In this context, corporate smartphones are an essential tool, and their use can positively affect the entire company organization.

Here are 5 valid reasons to provide smartphones to your collaborators.

Increase efficiency thanks to the latest generation smartphones

Over time, the old mobile phone has transformed into a powerful pocket PC, an indispensable ally that managers, professionals, and employees use for an infinite series of tasks.

The first function of a mobile phone is certainly to manage calls. Not only those of the mobile network but also those of the fixed number.

In this regard, there are dedicated apps that allow you to make all phone calls from your smartphone and literally have the office in your pocket, wherever you are.

In the last year, many companies have continued to respond to their customer’s thanks to the remote work of collaborators, operating from home with their smartphones. Using high-performance mobile phones with dedicated apps allows you to manage calls professionally by offering high-level services to your customers.

Using the latest generation mobile phone also has other advantages.

For example, take advantage of VoLTE, the technology that enables high-definition calls and allows you to call and surf at the same time at maximum speed in 4G.

Protect Company data even on your smartphone

The smartphone is no longer just for phone calls.

Employees of a company can also use it to consult emails, carry out video conferences, scan documents and store them in the Cloud, validate purchases, and connect in VPN with the company.

It is not enough to carry out all these activities efficiently and safely to have an ordinary mobile phone.

Companies should be able to count on performing smartphones with updated software and reliable and easily manageable security systems.

With this in mind, it is possible to use security systems that can be managed individually or through Mobile Device Management (MDM) applications. These systems allow companies to remotely configure smartphones and decide whether to enable or disable certain apps, software, and features, such as the camera or microphone.

The remote control also allows you to always keep the antivirus and applications up to date on all devices: in this way, the work of the IT manager becomes more accessible.

It should never be forgotten that company data protection is also fundamental from a GDPR perspective.

This protects mobile phones and, above all, company data from cyber attacks, very often caused by imprudent behavior on the part of users (according to Corriere Della Sera, this is the cause of 60% of cases cyber-attacks).

Relying on a single provider for business smartphones and mobile services

Having a single supplier for smartphones, company SIMs, and other telecommunication services can greatly simplify the work of the Administration.

Counting on a single contact allows you to:

  • have all costs and services under control clearly
  • save time in the buying process
  • receive assistance more quickly, without rebounds between suppliers.

Business smartphones: reduced investments and tax advantages

The offers on the market allow you to buy top-of-the-range smartphones and cheaper models. It is possible to pay in a deferred manner, with the advantage of reducing the initial investment.

Choosing to use company phones and SIMs also offers tax advantages.

The costs of purchasing or repairing phones and subscription fees are, for example, deductible at 80%.

The VAT on company phones, on the other hand, is 100% deductible if they are used for business purposes. In the case of mixed-use, the VAT is instead deductible at 50%.

Control costs and consumption of SIM cards centrally.

Technological evolution has made available useful tools to simplify the work of those who manage company SIMs and finally say goodbye to old Excel sheets.

SIM Manager is an easy-to-use control panel that allows you to independently manage the entire life cycle of the SIMs from activation to cancellation.

The service allows you to create consumption rules for each SIM or group of SIMs, activating or deactivating extra-threshold consumption or international roaming.

In this way, the company can keep all costs under control in real-time in a centralized way.

SIM Manager also allows you to manage virtual SIMs ( eSIM) easily. With SIM Manager, virtual SIMs can be activated with a simple QR Code sent by email to the employee.

Managing your business smartphones and your SIMs has never been easier!

Also Read : Professional Video-Conferencing: How To Make It Safe And Efficient


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