Business Digital Analysis: How Important Is It?

Business Digital Analysis: What does it mean to produce value for companies today? How important is it to do Big Data Analysis? These are all significant questions that the business world must be able to answer: every business organization of any size must implement the best marketing strategies to compete globally.

How to create value through Business Digital Analysis? In recent years this process has taken on a leading role for companies that operate digitally and beyond. Although the use of Big Data is much more developed in the US and English markets,  interest in this sector is also beginning to be felt in Italy.

The analysis of company data can reveal information and highlight market trends that would otherwise be impossible to identify, allowing the whole business world to provide better services to its users, do marketing and communicate more effectively than the competition.

Business Digital Analysis: how to create competitive value?

Analyzing qualitative and quantitative data helps every business achieve continuous improvement ( kaizen ) regarding the online experience. This will make achieving business goals set during the planning phase easier.

Digital Analysis’s role today represents a great added value given that it must allow every economic entity operating in the international field to achieve a medium-long-term competitive advantage.

Every company, even a small one, must be able to implement a very valid digital marketing strategy that is “customer-centric. “

What does this mean? Customers can select and purchase various company products or services at any time and place.

A marketer’s job is to predict and know how to interpret data, organize it ad hoc, and treasure it to make business decisions in line with the mission and policy dictated by Top Management.

How to set up an Enterprise Data Analysis project?

Each company unit must be able to strategically set up a Big Data analysis and management project, considering the technological aspects and those related to the entrepreneurial business world.

Defining and implementing a strategy means having the opportunity to obtain valuable information to innovate at the product, process, and, above all, management information system level.

Basically, it means knowing how to create a complete data management system that can guarantee the creation of added value for all the organizations and all the partners with whom collaboration agreements have been signed.

What skills are needed?

To know how to implement and manage a valid company data analysis project, it is necessary to involve different professional profiles.

What turns out to be important is knowing how to equip yourself with the best possible team to excel at the maximum. The key figures and key competencies are:

  • The Chief Data Officer performs a driving force and “dialogue” role between Top Management and the Operational Level;
  • The Business Data Steward, who acts as a “collector” of data between user needs and Data Governance rules;
  • The Business Data Analyst is able to interpret the data and therefore establish which can be useful or not for the business.

What are the use cases of Big Data?

Big Data analysis helps the company compete in the market and create value for all stakeholders. However, it is necessary to tidy up and proceed to the group and organize corporate data according to different cases and purposes.

Efficiency and Operational Risks

Big Data analytics help improve operational and strategic efficiency, streamline the risk management process, and enable data sharing and ideas to be exchanged with partners.

Security and application performance

the analysis and functioning of Information Technology serve to prevent problems in the provision of services, to improve the corporate protection and security system, to evaluate the performance levels of the workforce, and to find the “packages of the bottle” that create inefficiency and destroy value.

Knowledge and Customer Satisfaction

the management and application of Big Data Analysis must be used to set up marketing and sales campaigns and projects, as well as optimize the Customer Digital Experience.

The real challenge today is not only to obtain sets of company data to be analyzed, but the marketer must know how to interpret and correlate them in a functional way to the objectives of the company system. Only through this continuous and circular process can value be truly created for internal and external customers.

Also Read : Business Intelligence Software In The Company In Today’s World


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