Jewellery: Where The Professional Can Make The Difference

For all security professionals, the sale of valuables represents a commercial category by type and value of the goods on display, highlighting one of the highest risks ever. The design of a safety system inside a jewelry shop must always be certified and compliant with the maximum level and degree of risk 4, the level required by current regulations. Each professional, consulting the CEI 79-3: 2012 standard on intrusion and robbery alarm systems (I & HAS), will find all the classifications of these systems already defined in the CEI EN 50131-1 and 50131-7 standards. 

The design of a safety system compliant with the standard will therefore start from the definition of the critical areas to be protected, from the level of performance that must be guaranteed already in the design phase, to end with the choice of the components that will make up the entire system, an assessment that it will be operated according to those criteria of functionality and performance consistent with the risk analysis, or corresponding to the environmental class characterizing the place of installation.

Functional architecture

However, the professional must also focus on the correct functional architecture of the premises, electronically separating the areas to be protected, dividing those open to the public from those reserved and strictly linked to the activity; more generally, the premises must be divided into well-defined areas, according to their exposure and vulnerability to risk (theft, robbery, shoplifting, etc.), to always have areas protected by sensors and neutral zones (which can only be activated in periods of closure) for the normal conduct of commercial operations.

Watch out for the shop window.

We know well that one of the most critical perimeter points of these activities is certainly that represented by the display windows, surfaces exposed directly to the public, which must be protected by systems that are always active (piezo, seismic sensors, etc.), well sized and correctly installed on the passive protections. Existing (armored glass, security windows, etc.) to avoid unnecessary false alarms would degrade the system’s credibility. In this case, other elements to be protected must also be considered (shutters, armored doors, safety bushes, floors, etc.), which represent a second protective ring always of an active type, but in this case, belonging to a partition operating only for commercial activity closed to the public. 

Buttons and sensors

The installation of a series of anti-theft and anti-panic buttons, which allow the sending of a silent alarm to the operations rooms of the police or private security, remains a timeless best practice. Furthermore, a professional must always suggest to the client the replacement of the mechanical locks that protect the opening of the display cases with digital keys with numerical code in order to avoid any attempt to open with dexterity. 

Concentric rings

Another important consideration: the protection sensors installed on strong vehicles (safes, armored cabinets, etc.) must be functionally separated from the main alarm system and associated with an entire partition since they are signals to be managed separately and with a different level of security. A measured internal volumetric protection then unites all the concentric rings, described as an effective and efficient video surveillance system.

Fog generators

Finally, we talk about the protection through the use of fogging devices because the safety offered by this innovative system is truly incomparable if compared to a simple system with an acoustic alarm; however, to ensure this effectiveness, the fog generator must be used in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and with the regulatory requirements contained in CEI EN 50131-8 (fogging devices for safety).

Make the difference

In summary: level 4 of security for an anti-intrusion and robbery system, careful analysis of the risks and the environmental context, correct design, flawless installation found in the final test report, periodic inspection and maintenance plan, all following the obligatory nature of the final certification of the systems under Ministerial Decree 37/08, as well as the civil code, the criminal code and the consumer code (very clear on the responsibilities of the professional who does not comply with the rule of the art which builds systems with incompetence or superficiality).

Also Read : Cybersecurity For Dummies: The Main Threats To Companies


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