How To Start a YouTube Channel?

YouTube Channel: Every day, YouTube users watch over a billion hours (1 billion!) Of videos, but only 9% of small businesses are interested in opening their channels. As YouTube usage continues to rise, so do business opportunities.

In this article, we’ll teach you how to get started with a YouTube channel that’s perfectly optimized for your business. We’ll also look at how to create compelling video content that attracts new customers and enthusiastic existing customers. A basic YouTube marketing strategy allows you to establish your brand identity, showcase your products, and build your audience freshly and interestingly.

A step-by-step guide to getting started on YouTube channel

Starting a YouTube channel is surprisingly easy, even for beginners. Follow these eight steps to start your channel today and grow your business! 

Create a YouTube accountTo set up a YouTube channel for business, you need to log in to your Google account to manage your channel.

Having a branded account rather than a personal one will help you grow in the future. That’s because you can add other users to your brand account without having to share passwords via email.

Here’s an overview of setting up a new brand account on your business YouTube channel.

  1. Visit YouTube while logged in to your Google account to access the YouTube channel switcher.
  2. You can see your personal account, the brand account you currently manage, and the option to create a new channel.
  3. Click “Create Channel” to move to the new brand account creation screen. Enter the channel name and click Create.
  4. Congratulations! You are now the owner of a YouTube channel for business.
  • Design channel art

Now that you’ve created a YouTube channel for business, I’d like to improve its appearance.

Here are some simple steps you can take to make your channel look professional and make it easier for users to find you online.

Channel Icon (Profile Photo)

If you start your channel from scratch, the icon should be the profile picture of your linked brand account. To change this, update your brand account in YouTube Studio.

Choose Customize Channel> Branding, click Upload and select an image. 800 x 800-pixel images are recommended for files in JPG, GIF, BMP, or PNG format (animated GIFs are not allowed). Assuming that YouTube channel icons will be used in various places, prepare square and circular images that will look good even in small images.

Channel Art (Banner Image)

You can express your brand’s personality by adding channel art and make your YouTube profile visually appealing. The file size is 6MB or less, and the minimum upload size is 2048 x 1152 pixels.

You can preview the display on multiple devices and even crop the image.

  • Enter your profile

To enter a channel description, click Customize Channel> Basic Information.

Enter your store details in the channel description field.

Write an overview of your store, products, missions, and more. Consider searching within YouTube and also assume important keywords related to the store.

It’s also important to enter your business email address as your contact information. The link to your SNS account can be displayed in the channel art, making it more visible to the viewer, so you need to remember to enter this.

Most links will display the favicon by default, but the first link will also display the link title, so make good use of it. In the case of 100% Pure, there is a CTA button called “Shop Now.”

You can also link related videos, but it may not be beneficial at first. Increasing awareness on YouTube helps associate other videos with your brand.

  • Plan your content

Now that the basic channel settings are complete, let’s think about videos. Video is an integral part of your content marketing strategy. If you can provide your users with interesting, high-quality, informative content, they will come back again and again.

And because YouTube is the second largest search engine globally, optimizing your video search is a great way to connect with new customers who are looking for what you offer. We’ll explore how you can use video to build your brand’s audience with that in mind. There are several types of quality content that you can leverage in your business.

Educational content

More and more people are trying to learn something on YouTube. How-to video searches have increased by 140% over the last 13 years, giving companies more opportunities to reach new audiences with educational content around their products.

Videos that teach new skills can help build trust with your audience and move your conversion funnel forward. The Retro Supply Co. video is a good example.

Here are retro effects such as brushes and fonts that you can use in Photoshop and Illustrator for sale. Reto Supply teaches viewers how to use Photoshop and Illustrator effectively on their YouTube channels. Sometimes it’s a tutorial with their brushes, and occasionally it teaches tricks such as keyboard shortcuts. Whether you’re a user of Reto Supply products or not, you’re providing valuable videos. Let’s take the Snowboard Addiction case as another great example. With videos that teach snowboarding skills on the YouTube channel, we have nearly 250,000 subscribers. The video helps snowboarders level up and brings a new audience to Snowboard Addiction on YouTube search. It’s also a great example in terms of unity with the product. Snowboard Addiction sells training products and videos to improve your snowboarding skills, so interested viewers are naturally more likely to be happy buyers. This is a successful example of video content marketing on YouTube.

Brand storytelling

When it comes to compelling video content, it’s hard to come up with anything more effective than good storytelling. Inspiring videos that match your brand identity are perfect for appealing your brand’s image and ideals to a broad audience.

Buyers aren’t just buying products; they are buying experiences. GoPro has become an industry leader with various YouTube content that establishes the identity of action cameras such as adventurous, exploratory, and adrenaline. These types of ambitious videos are good for introducing the brand’s lifestyle.

From helicopter skydiving to firefighters saving kittens, each video shows how GoPro users use their products and embodies the brand’s tagline, “Be a hero.”


Incorporating fun videos that appeal to your audience into your YouTube strategy is a great way to get your audience’s attention and product focus. Vat19, an e-commerce gift shop specializing in offbeat products, has created an impressive online empire with engaging, targeted content. Its YouTube strategy focuses on creating absurd comedies to introduce a wide range of novelty gifts and new products to the audience. Given the 7.77 million subscribers, this approach is certainly successful.

One of Vat19’s most popular videos is destroying a gummy bear with a slapstick experimental series. This video was more like a late-night comedy show than a traditional advertising video and was quite appealing to get viewers to buy with the final CTA.

  • This sense of humor isn’t for everyone, but the Vat19 video worked. Gumi’s bear video has been played 47 million times, and Vat19’s approach demonstrates how delivering entertainment content on YouTube attracts attention (and new customers). Create an introductory video for the channel

Once you’ve created a YouTube channel, be sure to create a compelling channel introductory video as well. Introductory videos, like movie trailers, preview what the channel offers to people.

The channel introduction video is what the viewer sees next to the banner or icon, and it plays when a person who has not subscribed to the channel visits the YouTube channel. By making good use of it, you can turn a visitor into a registrant.

The setting method of the channel introduction video is as follows.

  1. Log in to YouTube Studio.
  2. Select “Customize Channel”> “Layout” from the menu on the left.
  3. Click Add in the video spotlight and select the video you want to use.
  4. Click “Publish.”

When creating an introductory video, think about your channel’s uniqueness, brand personality, and why you should subscribe. There is more than one correct answer here. Just try to attract the viewer in the first few seconds. Make a good impression and finally call for registration to end the introductory video.

  • Upload the first YouTube video

By now, all the basic settings have been completed, and we have been working on video production and editing. Next is the release of the content! Click “Upload Video” on the channel dashboard to upload the video content. Once you’ve uploaded your first video, you can go to Studio to edit video details, add new videos, manage channels, and grow your community.

  • Optimize your search

A solid understanding of YouTube SEO is essential to getting your video focused. YouTube uploads 500 hours of video every minute, so you have to do whatever you can to make it stand out.

Everything in your video, such as title, description, and keywords, has a big impact on your search results. Here’s what you can do to improve your YouTube ranking for the viewers who need your video the most.


Before optimizing your video, you need to narrow down the keywords you need to focus on. Breast the keywords that connect your search to your video and check them using planning tools such as the free Chrome extension Keywords Everywhere. It works directly in YouTube’s search bar, giving you three key pieces of information for each word: monthly search volume, cost per click, and competition.

The suggested search results will also be helpful information for future videos. It’s also a good idea to experiment with keywords and develop content about search words that are common in the industry.


When thinking about video quality, the most important consideration is engagement. When you finish watching a video, viewers can leave comments, register, share, like, and take other actions to increase their chances of appearing in search results. One way to increase the level of engagement is to run a contest. Free gifts and contests are a great way to get your audience involved and connect with your audience.

When YouTube determines the rank, the number of views of the video is also taken into consideration. To give momentum to your views, don’t forget to notify us on your email list or social media as soon as you publish your video.


The format of the video also affects the search ranking. YouTube doesn’t actually check the content, but it does check some factors to make accurate predictions.

Filename: Include the keywords you want to target when uploading. YouTube is also paying attention to that.

Length of shaku: Longer shaku is judged to be more valuable, so pack as much as possible. However, it must be balanced with the value of the content. This is because “total playback time” is also an important index in ranking. If you stretch the video that should fit in 2 to 10 minutes, the viewer will leave in 1 minute. It does not mean that the longer the scale, the higher the rank.

Title: It is essential that the video’s title is concise, understandable, and has keywords at the beginning.

Description: The longer the description, the better. Enter as much content as possible. Keywords are essential here and comment on the content of the video, related resources that are useful to the viewer. Be careful to reflect the target keyword in the first sentence.

Tags: Add multiple keywords and related terms to your video as tags. Tube BuddyTools like this gives you information about the tags your competitors are using in your videos. Tags also affect whether they appear as suggested videos. Therefore, tagging with competitors or people who are producing content close to you is a meaningful way to use tags. 

  • Focus on consistency

If you want to practice YouTube channels that help your business grow, think of them as your home ground for a consistent video series. A common cause of stagnant growth is to think of the social networking platform as a place to upload all video content.

YouTube channels that take a consistent approach tend to have higher ratings. This is because it is easy for viewers to watch many videos and subscribe to the channel. You can see this by looking at your favorite YouTuber’s feed.

The First We Feast channel, which features celebrity meals, has a regular posting schedule and publishes videos by series. First, We Feast’s content creation consistency is driving the rise in subscribers. When a video becomes viral, new viewers discover and subscribe to channels that show similar quality videos. First We Feast, which started quietly in July 2016, has more than 9.9 million registrants, featuring celebrities such as Drew Barrymore, Dua Lipa, and T-Pain.

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